“We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.”
―Buckminster Fuller
In making his suggestion for how we should view the Earth, twentieth century inventor and visionary Buckminster Fuller used the metaphor of a spaceship. The Earth is a spaceship, and we are all crewmembers performing our unique tasks. We complement each others’ work, share our resources, support each other when needed. Although our tasks are different, we all belong in one vehicle, going in the same direction, working towards the same goal. Coordination and cooperation keeps everyone onboard alive, happy, and well taken care of. The Earth is not a place for different groups or nations to grab and hoard resources and power for themselves. The whole Spaceship Earth must be able to accommodate everyone, regardless of which square of space they stand on in this big mass of land and sea we call our home.
Nonprofit organisations know this principle by heart. Wouldn’t it be exciting if the next event on your nonprofit organisation’s calendar is a fun activity where you can practice putting this principle to work? At We R One World, we channel the social empowerment your nonprofit organisation is founded on. We do so with our world simulator game!