
We R One Youth

You’re young, you just got here and now you want to…well, not just survive, but thrive! To do this however you need certainty, direction, purpose and future proofed skills that will empower you to succeed in this modern and complex world.

However, you see a problem. It’s dressed like the generations of the past and it has almost drained your future. It is enabling an environment that makes it hard to express your potential, it disempowers you and wields an unfair “older person” advantage. Deep inside you harbour the notion…shouldn’t we be allowed to design our own future?

We understand. As youth, we too battled through the feelings of frustration, insignificance and disempowerment, and somehow muddled through. Some of us made it, but many did not. Our intense interest caused us to find a better way, a way that brings all of us together. We can show you how to do this. Sometimes it’s hard, but it can also be fun.
We would like to show you how it can be the latter, by playing a game!

Here are some folks that agree

It is predicted that the experience of this game will change your life forever.

Marshall Thurber

Ron Laurie facilitated a startling We R One World experience that clearly aligned with the members in attendance. We entered the room at Deloitte Melbourne offices, to engage with a large Bucky Fuller World Projection Dymaxion Map* on the floor. This enabled each of us to immerse ourselves in a view of planet Earth that was decidedly different and seemingly more interconnected than the traditional, distorted projections, to which we had been exposed. Ron’s skilful facilitation encouraged us to adopt an open-minded view that enabled us all to look at our world, our lives, our work and our futures in a different way, with a greater appreciation of the interconnected nature of all things. Thanks, Ron, for one of the most stimulating and impactful CPX meetings.  Clearly, we are now all looking afresh at our earth, ourselves and our opportunities.

Peter Spence, Consultant, RBS Performance Systems
Consultant / RBS Performance Systems

A number of participants had real insights into how they work on complex problems, identifying their personal styles and how this adds value or adds complexity to working as a team.

Noeleen Carey, Organisational Development Manager, RMIT University
Organisational Development Manager / RMIT University

The experience was extremely impactful and delivered in every area - shook the participants out of their comfort zones, raised their levels of self-awareness around their conscious and unconscious biases. If you can raise someone's level of self-awareness, then you ultimately change their life, and that's what happened in the room that day for myself and for our executive leaders.

Sharlene Mulvenna, Learning and Development Specialist
Learning and Development Specialist

The We R One World experience is a powerful means of deepening and broadening perspectives on complexity and leadership. I think it should be mandatory for all leaders, change agents and anyone who is striving to make a positive difference in the world.

Aiden Thornton, Leadership Scientist & Practitioner
Leadership Scientist & Practitioner

…very impressive… people where elegantly making their own discoveries and realisations… struck me was the very human centred approach, checking in with how everyone was feeling. There was a tireless kindness and support that continued throughout a whole day.

Beth Jennings, Director, What Really Matters
Director / What Really Matters

We R One World is not just a simulation, but it is a discovery of human soul (yourself). It is the best simulation I have been to. It is the best for numbers of reason: 1. The concept is based on Truth-Nature-reality-principles. 2. Facilitation is expertly led in simulation that makes it unique and distinctive. 3. You are a part of the simulation, you felt it, experience it, and you are one with friends and the world. WeROneWorld' the name itself speak.

Hram Tin Kam (Chris), Director, ShakeUp, Yangon, Myanmar

Ron recently partnered with myself and the Burklyn International team to deliver We R One World experience to American and Australian entrepreneurs. At very short notice, Ron was quick to respond to all of our requests in the most professional and accommodating manner. I found Ron to be very flexible, generous, knowledgeable, honest, and simply a great person to spend time with. His vibrant energy is infectious and you can't help but feel happy when you're around Ron. He is doing amazing work to make the planet work for everyone, and his general sense of responsibility to affect change is admirable.

Melanie Heskin, Relationship Manager, Burklyn International
Relationship Manager / Burklyn International

I met Ron initially as he volunteered for GENI, helping us to drive both business and policy-makers to accelerate the interconnection of renewable energy resources between regions and nations. Now, Ron is leading We R One World, offering a truly unique experience of world issues, trends and challenges. Ron is an excellent presenter and facilitated a global experience that was both inspiring and motivating to people who want to make the world a better place.

Peter Meisen, President, Global Energy Network Institute
President / Global Energy Network Institute
  • Over 2,000 youth followers in the ASEAN Region
  • Worked with several major youth organisations in the Global South
  • Partnership certificate

So let’s get your future up and running with The Plan Together

Stop! Wait a moment,
We want to make sure we are with you, do…

  • We share the value that the youth of today hold the potential for a brighter future.
  • We share the view that tomorrow belongs to the youth of today.
  • We believe together that nothing is impossible to change, even if it is stuck in the musty traditions of the past.

What could go wrong if you don’t jump on board

  • Being trapped and powerless
  • Missing out on vital additional information you don’t get at school college or uni
  • Let the 'old guard" steal your future

What is success?

  • Being empowered to take control of your own personal future and be recognised by others for being an elite champion of change.
  • Joining the missing dots in your education that will unite disparate, and seldom disclosed, tips to bring more clarity, time, efficiency and joy to your current and future endeavours.
  • Joining the path towards all you can be, internally and externally, as you uncover knowledge and acceptance of self and the beauty in the diversity of others.
  • Tips to bring more clarity, time, efficiency and joy to your current and future endeavours.

We R One Youth

From – stuck in a paradigm you didn’t create

To – creators of a future of your choosing

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