We R One Purpose

You know there is a lot at stake when you look into the future…an uninhabitable planet leading to mass extinctions and a diminished quality of life. You know you want a life worth living. You care about the planet and the survival of the species. You want a cause and you want to contribute.
However, there is a problem, you stare at it every day, the faces of mindless leaders and leadership on tv, online and in the news. You see how the policies are causing climate change, poverty, poor education, hunger, inequality, polluted seas and water way, ill health, and overall depleted well-being. Your purposefulness soon turns to feelings of disempowerment, isolation, and overwhelm, Yet, deep inside you know…there must be a better way.
You are an energetic Not for Profit (NFP), Non Gov. Organisation (NGO) or a Local, State or National Government entity seeking to progress or align with the UN’s SDGs. You know you can change things and like you, we think so too. We think we have a pathway to a solution, a revolution… and it starts with a game!
Here are some folks that agree...
Let’s get this started with The Plan Together
If you are an individual
Click here to register your interest in attending a We R One World Open ProgramIf you are an NGO, NFP or Gov. entity
Click here to schedule a chatOpen Program
We cater to multiple participants that engage with each other in a highly interactive simulation on a massive map of the world in an arena the size of a basketball court.However, we want to reach out to individuals that have a common vision in making this world a better place.
Before we jump ahead, Let’s just check we have the same mindset, do…
- We share the value that all people, regardless of ethnicity or geography, have within them a creative well of abundance and richness?
- We share a vision that when a diverse group of dedicated individuals’ band together they can change the world?
- We share the view that there are outmoded paradigms on how we define “success” and what it means and they need to change
Warning! There are potential consequences of none of us doing anything
- The loss of the planet and the quality of life.
- A life of little meaning, suffer a future pain of regret.
- Nothing changes.
- A missed opportunity to turn the tide. We might just be in that last opportunity to 'Make it!’ as a planet.
What is success?
- Being part of a band of fellow Spaceship Earth Crew who see and relate to the bigger picture thinkers of our era
- Being seen as part of the solution, collaborating and achieving outcomes of your own unique focused attention aligned to the UN’s SDGs
- Being inspired by and inspiring others as we collectively move to more planetary equality, peace, higher well-being for all
- Feeling a sense of fulfillment as you move towards your higher personal purpose
*The Fuller Projection Map design is a trademark of the Buckminster Fuller Institute. ©1938, 1967 & 1992. All rights reserved, www.bfi.org.